Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Edmond LAX in LibertyFest 2008

Thank you to everyone who participated in LibertyFest on the Fourth of July! We had a great turnout, and I heard many of the parade spectators commenting on how enthusiastic our group was.

Most of the kids walked the parade route and had fun "high-fiving" the spectators. Several times throughout the parade they would put all theirs sticks in and on the count of three yell, "EDMOND LACROSSE"! It was quite an attention-getter.

Thanks again for coming out and we hope to see you in next year's parade!

1 comment:

Marc said...

Thanks for all of your hard work to put this event together. I heard many positive comments about our entry. I feel certain that we are more familiar and have raised awareness regarding the presence of LAX. Great Job !